Art is an invaluable element of an early childhood education. Art allows children to :
  • learn to express themselves and their ideas.
  • experience different colors, shapes, sizes, and textures.
  • develop their fine motor skills as they draw, paint, snip, tape, and glue.
  • think creatively and critically as they assess the materials available in order to design something of their own choosing.
  • problem solve through trial and error as they put their ideas into action.
  • gain experience with spatial awareness and relationships.

To really get the student’s creative juices flowing, TCS teachers quite often provide a variety of materials with no stated outcome or agenda. The students are free to create anything that sparks their imaginations. Classroom art provocations often center around current emergent topics of interest. Teachers will introduce different materials throughout the year to provoke new ideas.

Occasionally teachers offer the children art projects that introduce specific techniques or styles. This is a hallmark of our Great Artists study, but also happens throughout the year. For instance, in PreK last week, students were given glue, glitter and the suggestion that spider web designs could be produced with these materials. Some children created spider webs, while others created different designs.

As students continue to discover their art capabilities and the value in their own unique ideas, their confidence is nurtured. As they problem solve, overcoming frustrations and challenges, their resilience grows as well. There is never a day without art in our early childhood classrooms as the learning opportunities are abundant. Click here to see our artists in action.